Waterside Ladies Hockey Club



Posted on 10 Feb 2014 in Match Report | Comments Off on 10 (WO)MEN, ONE CUP!

Sorry for the slight delay in getting this written… for those of you who don’t know –
lord knows how, Nat 😉 – I’m moving, so have been busy packing up Hollyoak ready for the next hockey social venue… and town hotel… the name of which is soon to be announced / thought of!

Despite the later start, being a few miles from home, not having a definite umpire and the unfortunate last minute loss of Coolio reducing numbers to 10, the team seemed calm and poised ready to face Winchester.

The game started… well before half of the team did, with Winchester making at least three or four passes before the (almost) full team made it on to the pitch!

Once everyone had made it on however, Waterside settled in to the game well. That was until Katie realised that she didn’t have her gum shield, leaving her scrambling up and down the side line and rummaging through kit.

That sorted. The game continued, with Waterside holding their own against a strong and willing Winchester forward line who gave the defence a good, yet unsuccessful battle. There was shot after shot, and corner after corner, but nothing was getting into the net thanks to the defensive prowess (despite the odd fancy footwork) of Cherry, Gaynor, Nat and Alex – not to mention Nasher who made an invaluable appearance on the back line with an unbelievable ‘on the line’ save.

Unfortunately, despite some great passing all over the pitch, Joey’s left hand runs and a cracking shot from Becca, we just couldn’t get in either, and the game finished nil nil – the second clean sheet of the season thus far!

The undoubted star of the show however was the new goalie cup. In team colours with a fully elasticised waist and panty line, it goes without saying that this was what held the defence together, and in the end, landed Alex with POM.

All hail the new cup, and may it take us forth into more and more battles like this one!

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